新加坡商維技遊戲股份有限公司 隱私權政策
新加坡商維技遊戲股份有限公司台灣分公司(以下簡稱VNG)為保障您個人資料之安全性,特針對您個人的隱私權擬定「個人資料暨隱私權保護政策」聲明(Privacy Policy,下簡稱隱私權政策),讓您瞭解VNG對於您的隱私權之尊重與保護,並告訴您有關您個人資料之相關資訊。為了確保會員之個人資料及隱私及會員權益之保護,依照個人資料保護法規定進行蒐集前之告知。
- 本公司的名稱及適用範圍。
- 蒐集之目的及方式。
- 個人資料之類別。
- 個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式。
- 您得行使之權利及方式。
- 若您無法提供完整的個人資料時,不提供將對您權益之影響。
- 個人資料的安全維護。
- 內容之變更通知。
本公司之蒐集目的在於進行會員行銷、客戶管理、內部的統計調查與分析、會員管理及其他合於營業登記項目或章程所定業務之需要 (法定特定目的項目編號為040行銷、052會員管理、090消費者、客戶管理與服務、157調查、統計與研究分析、181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務)。 蒐集方式將透過加入會員、各項服務表單填寫或訂購單填寫等方式進行。 您可自行選擇是否提供資料及所提供資料的完整性,但某些網站功能、服務或活動必須根據您所提供的資料方得使用時,您若不提供完整而正確的個人資料,部分網站功能、服務或活動可能無法使用。
- C001 辨識個人者:如姓名、地址、電話、相片、電子郵件等。
- C002 辨識財務者:如銀行帳戶之號碼等。
- C003 政府資料中之辨識者:如身分證統一編號、護照號碼(外國人)等。
- C011 個人描述:如年齡、性別、出生年月日等資訊。
- C021 家庭情形:如婚姻狀況、有無子女等資訊。
- C024 其他社會關係:如朋友、同事關係等資訊。
- C035 休閒活動及興趣:如嗜好、運動等資訊。
- C036 生活格調:如使用消費品之種類及服務之細節等資訊。
- C038 職業:如司機、校長、老師等職業資訊。
- C051 學校紀錄:如大學、專科等學校資訊。
- C064 工作經驗:如以前的工作、服役情形等工作資訊。
- C132 未分類之資料:如檔案、報告等資訊。
- 本公司將使用cookies進行網站管理及記錄您的活動紀錄。所謂cookies,為由本公司存放於您電腦中的瀏覽器目錄內,僅為本公司設置cookies的網站能讀取其內容。您可以透過您的瀏覽器設定以獲知何時cookies被設置或拒絕cookies的設置。
- 本公司網站管理系統將紀錄您上網的 IP 地址、瀏覽器種類瀏覽網頁時間等軌跡資料,並依照個人資料保護法對相關軌跡資料進行保存。 根據VNG所提供不同服務目的,VNG可能蒐集您的個人資料類別及情形如下:
- 加入會員
當您申請加入會員時,您將會被要求填寫一份您的個人資料,包括姓名、性別、身份證字號、住址、生日、電話、電子信箱等相關資料,並設定您的帳號密碼,以便您日後登入使用會員的各項服務。 - 線上交易
如您選擇使用線上交易服務,將會依照您提出的線上交易形態,蒐集您所填寫的訂單相關資料,以確保您完成付款、儲值或物流等消費服務。 - 線上活動、現場活動、賽事活動
您若因參加VNG舉辦之線上活動或網路調查而提供個人資料、會員帳號或密碼時,亦將一併受到隱私權政策之保護。 - 瀏覽網頁
當您於VNG站內或其附屬網站中瀏覽或查詢時,VNG伺服器將自動紀錄您使用連線之IP位置、時間及瀏覽相關記錄。這些資料僅供作流量統計分析及網路服務優化,以便於改善VNG的服務品質,這些資料僅作為總量上的分析,不會和特定個人相連繫。 - 社交媒體帳戶
如果您使用社交媒體帳戶註冊成為VNG會員或登入VNG遊戲或服務時,根據該社交媒體服務提供者的政策或與您的協議而定,我們可能會獲得您自願提供給該社交媒體服務提供者的資料,而我們將根據本政策管理及使用此類個人資料。 - 其他
- 加入會員
- 利用期間
本公司將於營運期間保存您的個人資料。除法令另有規定者外,將於您使用VNG網站內與其所附屬網站服務完畢或至您提出停止使用之請求為止。參加活動者之個人資料使用自活動參與者授權參與活動起始日至活動結束後3個月。依據稅法規定,活動得獎者之個人資料最長保存7年,屆時銷毀,不作他用。 - 利用地區
台灣地區及提供VNG網站內與其所附屬網站服務之地區,並不會移轉至以外地區。會員之個人資料將用於全球。 - 利用對象
除法令另有規定者外,將僅供您同意之服務目的及VNG內部在相關連之範圍內使用,不會任意將您提供的個人資料轉供其他第三人或移作其他目的使用。但基於履行契約目的,將提供相關資料予協辦單位或合作廠商,以完成履行契約義務。 - 利用方式
會員之個人資料蒐集除用於本公司之會員行銷、客戶管理、內部的統計調查與分析、會員管理等方式以外,本公司將依您的實際需要,可能將有以下利用:- 會員資料
您在加入會員時所填寫的資料,VNG將會進行e-mail驗證,並作為分析您個人在站上與消費行為,以作為將來提供會員所需之詳盡資料以及作為設計會員活動時之依據。用於物品寄送:於交寄相關商品時將您的個人資料利用於交付給相關物流或郵寄廠商以便完成物品的寄送。 - 線上交易
如您選擇使用線上交易服務,將會依照您提出的線上交易形態,蒐集您所填寫的訂單相關資料、金融交易過程(如信用卡授權、轉帳)時直接提交給金融機構以完成金融交易,以確保您完成付款、儲值或物流等消費服務。 - 訂閱電子報
當您使用VNG網站內與其所附屬網站服務,您可能會收到相關電子報。若您欲取消訂閱,請洽VNG線上回報系統與我們聯繫。 - 線上活動、現場活動、賽事活動及調查
您若因參加VNG舉辦之線上活動或網路調查所留下的個人資料,僅供該次活動或調查使用。這些資料將於活動或調查結束後銷毀。這些資料將於活動或調查結束後一定時間內銷毀。 - 虛擬寶物及贈品寄送
於交寄相關商品時,將您的個人資料利用於交付給相關物流、郵寄廠商用於物品寄送之目的。 - 統計與分析
VNG可能針對您加入會員時所填寫的資料,以及站內瀏覽時伺服器所產生的紀錄,將不定期進行總體會員行為分析與統計,不會針對個人行為進行分析。 - 遊戲宣傳行銷
本公司將利用會員之地址及郵件、電話號碼進行本公司或合作廠商商品之宣傳行銷。 - 服務
本公司將利用您所提供之各項資料提供您之各項會員服務。包括便利其他會員透過遊戲內允許之方式與您互動,例如當其他向您傳送私訊或是張貼要給您的意見時通知您。 - 根據法規要求、法院命令、對本公司有管轄權之主管機關要求或基於善意及誠信原則認有合理之必要性時,本公司得存取、保存及揭露您的會員帳戶資訊,以:(a) 遵守法律程序;(b) 執行對本公司有管轄權之主管機關要求;(c) 履行VNG會員系統服務合約或本隱私權政策;(d) 回應任何實際或可能對本公司不利之主張或其他本平台內容侵害第三方權利之主張;(e) 回應您的會員服務請求;或者 (f) 保護本公司、其會員及/或公眾之權利、財產或人身安全。
- 為防止或調查任何實際或可能違反VNG會員規範之情形、詐欺、非法活動、疏忽或不當行為,以瞭解這些行為是否與您使用VNG會員服務有關或因為其他您與我們之間的關係所產生。
- VNG實施多種安全措施,努力保障您在VNG系統上的個人資料安全。 用戶個人數據包含在安全網絡之後,只有少數擁有此類系統特殊訪問權限的員工才能訪問。然而,絕對安全是不可避免的。
- VNG 將根據隱私法和/或其他適用法律保留個人數據。也就是說,當我們合理確定以下情況時,VNG 將銷毀或匿名化您的個人數據:(i) 保留此類個人數據不再符合收集該個人數據的目的;(ii) 出於任何法律或商業目的不再需要保留;(iii) 沒有其他合法權益
- 會員資料
(1) 查詢或請求閱覽
(2) 請求製給複製本
(3) 請求補充或更正
(4) 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用
(5) 請求刪除
- 權利限制
以上權利,若因您不符合 VNG 申請程序或法令另有規定時,將會受到限制。 - 酌收費用
若您就您的個人資料向 VNG 查詢、請求閱覽個人資料或製給複製本時,VNG 將酌收必要成本費用。 - 權利行使之方式
會員可接洽 VNG 客服中心(電子郵,網址:進行申請,或者於遊戲內設定功能聯繫客服中心。上開權利之申請,應填具申請文件,VNG 得向您請求提出可資確認之身分證明文件。若委託他人代為申請者,並應出具委任書,且提供本人及代理人之身分證明文件。 - 若您請求停止蒐集、處理、或請求刪除您的個人資料,VNG 將根據隱私法和/或其他適用法律安全地處理您的個人數據,恕不另行通知。同時這可能表示我們將無法繼續向您提供相關服務,我們可能需要終止您目前與我們的關係及/或合約。
關於您的個人資料檔案,VNG 將採行適當之安全措施,並盡力以合理之技術及措施,依相關法令辦理安全維護事項,防止您的個人資料被竊取、竄改、毀損、滅失或洩漏及其他損害會員權益之情事發生,但不可避免地無法保證絕對的安全。
- 請妥善保管您的密碼及或任何個人資料,不要將任何個人資料,尤其是密碼提供給任何人,您的密碼避免設定與其他遊戲、網站、信箱、社群、論壇的密碼相同。
- 在您完成繳費、取閱電子郵件、結束遊戲等程序後,務必記得登出帳戶,若您與他人共享電腦或使用公共電腦,切記要關閉瀏覽器視窗,以防止他人讀取您的個人資料或信件。
- 避免開啟來路不明的網站及其附件檔案;不要安裝或執行來路不明之程式,或前往外掛網站、論壇等,以防止您資料的外洩與避免電腦遭木馬程式植入之機會。
- 官方人員、活動人員及線上遊戲管理人員…等,皆不會主動向任何玩家要求密碼資料,不論是任何理由皆是不被允許的,若發現有此類情況,應立即回報給VNG進行處理。
您如果對於VNG 隱私權政策或與個人資料有關之相關事項有任何意見或疑問,請逕行聯絡 客服信箱。
- 本條款只適用於歐盟公民,並於有歧異時優先於本隱私權政策的其他條款適用。
- 資料可攜性
您有權以結構的(structured)、廣泛使用的(commonly used)、機器可讀的(machine-readable),以可共同操作的格式(interoperable format)接收提供給我們的個人資料以及根據您的同意依照條約10處理的資料,且我們有權將之轉讓給第三方。若您希望我們將資料轉交給第三方,請確認您詳細告知第三方且知悉我們只能在技術上可行的情況下為之。我們不對第三方收到的個人資料或其處理的安全性承擔任何責任。若提供個人資料有損他人權利(例如:提供關於您的個人資料會透露他人的資料),我們也可能不會提供您與他人相關的個人資料。 - 資料刪除
在下列情況下,您可以要求我們清除所持有之您的個人資料:- 您認為我們已無必要蒐集該個人資料;
- 我們正在處理根據您同意所持有之該個人資料,您希望取消同意且我們沒有其他可以作為處理該個人資料之理由;
- 我們正在根據我們合法利益處理該個人資料且您反對此類處理。請盡可能向我們提供您的理由,以便我們評估是否有正當利益優先處理和保留此類個人資料。
- 您不再希望我們使用該個人資料向您發送促銷活動資訊、特別優惠、行銷和抽獎活動;
- 您認為我們正在非法處理該個人資料。
- 個人資料之保留
當我們需要向您提供服務或產品,或根據適用法律(如稅務和會計法)之要求或許可,我們就會保留您的個人資料。若您根據本條第3款要求刪除您的個人資料,且我們確定該請求有效,我們將盡力於該請求發出後三十(30)天內清除您的個人資料,或通知您清除時間,但本政策或適用法令另有規定者不在此限。 - 拒絕建檔與目標式行銷
您有權隨時拒絕我們處理您的個人資料,例如發送促銷活動資訊、特別優惠和行銷活動等,其中包括我們以此為目的所建立的個人資料位置。一旦您提出拒絕的要求,我們將停止處理上述目的之個人資料。請盡可能詳述您拒絕我們處理您個人資料的理由,以協助我們確定您是否擁有拒絕之權限。惟若我們依法應保留您個人資料時,則不在此限。 - 資料儲存之處理限制
有下列情形發生,您有權要求限制我們處理所持有之您的個人資料:- 您認為個人資料不正確,此期間我們需要驗證該個人資料是否正確;
- 我們希望刪除該個人資料,但您希望我們儲存;
- 我們不再需要且希望刪除該個人資料,但您需要存取該個人資料用於建立、行使或維護法律之聲明;
- 您反對我們根據我們的合法利益處理該個人資料,且您希望我們停止處理該個人資料,不論我們是否確定有正當利益優先處理和保留此類個人資料。
- 將個人資料轉移至歐盟境外
- 新加坡商維技遊戲股份有限公司台灣分公司(以下簡稱「甲方」)係指利用網路提供線上服務之人,代表人:黃英漢,聯絡電話:(02)66011322、客服電子郵件,網址:,地址:台北市大安區市民大道三段198號5樓,統一編號:91080360。
- 茲因VNG會員服務提供事宜,會員系統服務使用者(以下簡稱「乙方」),請於甲方所提供之註冊頁面填寫個人資料。
- 遊戲網站:係指由甲方為提供乙方登入或遊戲服務所建置之網站。
- VNG:係指甲方於遊戲網站內標示為「VNG」所含會員服務或線上遊戲之統稱。
- VNG id:係指乙方登入VNG服務時輸入之特定帳號。
- VNG uid:係指乙方於甲方註冊並認證成功後,乙方所持有之唯一會員數字序號。
- 儲值:係指乙方利用甲方所提供之付費方式,向甲方購買限定使用於VNG遊戲中的「付費點數」之行為,若將「付費點數」轉換為VNG遊戲內之商品或服務即為已使用之行為。「付費點數」不具有貨幣價值,或本服務之外的任何價值。「付費點數」不能出售、交易、轉讓或兌換現金,只能兌換遊戲內虛擬物品或通過遊戲或本服務提供的其他權益。
- 付費點數:係指乙方利用甲方所提供之付費方式所換取作為支付甲方服務對價之點數名稱,點數之名稱依甲方於儲值中心及各遊戲官網公告為準。
- 線上遊戲:係指乙方以其設備透過網路傳輸的方式,於VNG內始得操作、進行之電腦遊戲軟體。
- 外掛程式:除甲方提供之線上遊戲程式、服務程式與乙方電腦設備之作業系統程式、輔助作業系統運作之相關程式、連接網際網路所需之必要程式外,非甲方所提供或影響甲方線上遊戲程式、服務程式運作或影響封包傳輸之程式。(包括但不限於以下:按鍵精靈/連點程式/自動練功/開圖程式/輔助程式等。)
- 管理員:擔任維護遊戲進行之順暢、公平與提供遊戲操作問題解答或其他會員服務相關事項之人員。
- 封包傳輸:資料在網路上傳輸時,需分割為數個區塊,每一個封包內含部份傳輸資料與表頭資料、封包型態、送件者與收件者的位址等資料。封包首先會傳送到閘道電腦,閘道閱讀目的位址後,將封包傳送到鄰近閘道,如此反覆進行,直到一閘道認得封包所屬的電腦,將該封包直接送達目的位址。
- 遊戲數據:乙方於VNG與其他使用者競技下之成果(包括但不限於積分、虛擬貨幣與其他)。
- 下載相關軟體:係指由網路下載遊戲套件、服務程式之行為。
- 遊戲暱稱:係指乙方於VNG提供之線上遊戲中自行設定的角色名稱,不得任意更改。
- 必要成本:係指甲方為履行本合約之特定服務而已支出之成本,或已給付予第三人之費用。
- 扣除必要成本:係指扣除依最新比值轉換新台幣後的未使用付費點數總額30%之計算方式,且包含匯款轉帳手續費新台幣30元。
- 遊戲歷程:係指乙方進行線上遊戲時,甲方系統可得提供之電磁記錄。
- 遊戲相關管理規範:係指由甲方訂立,專供為規定VNG提供之線上遊戲進行方式、會員行為等相關條款。
- 遊戲套件:係指具備主、副程式,且能完整執行線上遊戲、服務程式所有功能之軟體。
- 會員系統服務合約:係指包括但不限於會員系統服務合約、停權管理規章、客服中心內容、公告事項、個人資料暨隱私權保護政策等。
- 程式漏洞(BUG):非甲方設計遊戲程式時所預見或規劃之遊戲呈現方式、操作模式或所表現之遊戲結果。
- 若您為無行為能力人(例如未滿七歲之未成年人),本服務條款之訂定,應由您的法定代理人代為之;若您為限制行為能力人(例如滿七歲但未滿二十歲之未成年人),應於您的法定代理人閱讀、了解並同意本服務條款之所有內容及其後修改變更後,方得使用或繼續使用本服務。若無行為能力人未由法定代理人代為或限制行為能力人未經法定代理人同意而付費購買付費點數,致生法定代理人主張退費時,法定代理人得依VNG官網公告之退費流程,備妥證明文件提出申請,經本公司確認後,將退還尚未使用之付費點數費用。
- 以下視為本合約之一部分,與本合約具有相同之效力:
- 甲方有關遊戲服務之公告、活動規定。
- 費率表、遊戲相關管理規範、客服中心內容、公告事項、個別服務申請規範等。
- 甲方有關本服務之廣告或宣傳內容。
- 為促進兒童及少年身心健全發展,並保障其相關權益,甲方應於各產品包裝及各遊戲官網標明遊戲分級標誌及適用年齡層,乙方或乙方之法定代理人於了解按下「我同意」之按鍵,即表示乙方已符合相關法令對使用本級別之服務的年齡要求。
- 乙方於合約審閱期過後初次註冊帳號,進入顯示本合約條款之網頁,並按下「我同意」之按鍵後,即推定乙方同意本合約條款之所有規定。
- 如本合約條款有所疑義,應為乙方有利之解釋。
- 若乙方同意並需要使用甲方服務的所有細項,必須經過甲方制定之系統認證,否則甲方無須提供完整的服務內容。
- 乙方於註冊時須提供完整詳實且符合真實之個人資料,且乙方所登錄資料事後有變更時,應隨時於線上更新或利用會員服務申請變更之。若乙方故意登載不實之個人資料即構成違約事由,經甲方發現並通知乙方更正,乙方應於_7日內更正,如乙方仍未更正,甲方得停止其會員帳號使用權7日,且無須負擔任何損害賠償責任。如因乙方虛偽登載導致甲方損失,甲方得索取損害賠償及懲罰性違約金,同時乙方應自負相關民刑事責任(包括但不限於刑法偽變造文書、詐欺、妨礙電磁紀錄等相關罪章)。
- 如乙方提供之個人資料有填寫不實,或原所登錄之資料已不符合真實而未更新,或有任何其他誤導之嫌,於乙方提供真實資料或更新資料前,甲方保留隨時暫停乙方使用各項服務之權利(包含但不限於暫停乙方遊戲進行及遊戲歷程查詢之服務)。
- 乙方不得利用本會員服務進行任何商業行為,如濫發廣告郵件、宣傳性商業網站等。
- 除了遵守本服務條款外,乙方同意遵守網際網路國際使用慣例與禮節之相關規定。
- 乙方不得利用本服務傳送、發表涉及辱罵、毀謗、不雅、淫穢、攻擊性之文章或圖片。
- 乙方同意必須充分尊重智慧財產權,禁止發表侵害他人各項智慧財產權或其他權利之文字、圖片或任何形式之檔案。
- 乙方了解開始使用本會員服務,其VNG id帳號所有權仍屬甲方所有,乙方僅得依本服務條款之約定使用。
- 乙方應妥善保管帳號與密碼,所取得之帳號及密碼,僅供乙方使用。密碼得依甲方提供之修改機制進行變更。甲方人員(含客服人員、遊戲管理員)不得主動詢問乙方之密碼。甲方應於契約終止後三十日內,保留乙方之帳號及附隨於該帳號之電磁紀錄。
- 非因可歸責乙方之事由而終止者,乙方於前項期間內辦理續用後,有權繼續使用帳號及附隨於該帳號之電磁紀錄。前項期間屆滿時,乙方仍未辦理續用,甲方得刪除該帳號及附隨於該帳號之所有資料,但法令另有規定者不在此限。
- 若乙方發現帳號或密碼遭人非法使用,或有任何異常破壞使用安全之情形,應立即通知甲方。
- 乙方應定期妥善的管理帳號,並定期更改密碼的設定,且勿隨意下載非法軟體,以避免駭客入侵。
- 乙方因共用帳號、委託他人付費購買點數衍生與第三人間之糾紛,甲方得不予協助處理。
- 對於乙方所登錄或留存之個人資料,甲方應依相關法律規定以及甲方「個人資料暨隱私權保護政策」之規定處理。其中,乙方同意將個人資料提供於本公司,若有與關係企業異業合作時,甲方應依個人資料保護法第8條規定踐行告知消費者之義務,就已知的第三方企業應先清楚告知乙方,甲方於進行行銷服務時,應提供乙方行使首次行銷拒絕權之機制。除下列情況外,甲方在未獲得乙方同意以前,不對外揭露乙方之姓名、聯絡電話、地址、電子郵件地址及其他依法受保護之個人資料。
- 基於法律之規定。
- 受司法機關或其他有權機關之要求。
- 在緊急情況下為維護其他乙方或第三人之人身安全。
- 甲方不會向任何人士或公司提供乙方的個人資料。但在以下的情況下,甲方會向其他人士或公司提供乙方的個人資料:需要與甲方之合作夥伴、為甲方執行工作的承包商或供應商,以及其他共用乙方的資料,方能夠提供乙方所要求的產品或服務者。
- 若乙方有取消、更改、退費之需求,需通知甲方。甲方於扣除必要之成本後,應於三十日內以信用卡、匯票或經雙方同意之方式退還乙方所購買但未使用之付費點數,惟已使用之付費點數無法退回。
- 若乙方使用冒名、詐騙或其他虛偽不正之方式進行儲值,甲方得依乙方所登錄之通訊資料通知乙方後立即終止乙方會員資格及使用本服務之權利。
- 如甲方對前項事實認定產生錯誤或無法舉證時,而致乙方受有損害,則應負損害賠償之責。
- 雙方如基於特定事項另行簽訂文件,包括但不限於:協議書、和解契約等(以下簡稱「補充條款」)時,補充條款視為本合約內容之補充,如本合約中部分條款與補充條款相衝突時,補充條款中之約定事項優先本合約適用,補充條款未約定者,適用本合約之相關約定。
- 乙方同意與甲方洽商、締結補充條款時,知悉甲方之未公開之營業資訊、營業秘密、機密資訊、活動規劃、商業決策、相關契約內容(包括但不限於補充條款約定事項)等所有資訊及洽商與締結補充條款之過程,均屬應祕密之範疇,未經甲方書面同意,不得直接或間接揭露予任何第三人,或協助第三人取得前述資訊。
- 若乙方有違反本條約定之行為,應賠償甲方所付出的相對應成本或損失。
- 於下列情形發生時,甲方有權停止或中斷提供服務。
- 系統及軟硬體設備進行例行性或必要性的維護。
- 甲方伺服器的電子通信服務發生狀況或進行維護,導致無法通訊。
- 發生突發性之軟硬體設備與電子通信設備故障。
- 由於天災等不可抗拒的因素,導致甲方系統無法進行。
- 其他不可歸責於甲方所造成服務停止或中斷。
- 於前項a款之情形,甲方應於7日前於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告。
- 若有因可歸責甲方事由,致乙方不能連線使用本遊戲服務時,甲方應立即更正或修復。對於乙方於無法使用期間遭扣除遊戲費用或遊戲內商品,甲方應返還遊戲費用或商品,無法返還時則應提供其他合理之補償。
- 甲方依本合約之規定負有於提供本服務時,維護其自身電腦系統,符合當時科技或專業水準可合理期待之安全性之責任,如有系統或電磁紀錄遭破壞或異常,應採合理的措施後儘速回復。甲方違反前二項規定,致生乙方損害時,應依乙方之受損害情形,負損害賠償責任,但甲方能證明其無過失者,得減輕其賠償責任。
- 甲方電腦系統發生上述第3項所稱情況時,於完成修復並正常運作之前,若有付費使用功能,甲方不得向乙方收取費用。
- 乙方得隨時向甲方終止本合約,合約終止時,甲方於扣除必要成本後,應於三十日內以現金、信用卡、匯票、掛號寄發支票或雙方同意之方式退還乙方向甲方所購買但未使用之付費點數,惟已使用之付費點數無法退回。
- 乙方得於開始遊戲後七日內,以電子郵件或書面告知甲方解除本契約,乙方無需說明理由及負擔任何費用。乙方得就未使用之儲值向甲方請求退費。
- 若乙方逾一年期間未登入使用本遊戲服務,甲方得定十五日期間通知乙方登入,如乙方屆期仍未登入使用,則甲方得終止本契約。
- 乙方若有下列任一情形時,甲方依乙方所登錄之通訊資料通知乙方後,有權立即終止本契約。
- 利用任何系統或工具對甲方遊戲網站或本服務程式之惡意攻擊或破壞者。
- 乙方有違反現行法律之行為,或經司法機關查獲任何不法之行為,其他違背法律、命令之行為。
- 以冒名、詐騙或其他虛偽不正等方式付費購買點數或遊戲內商品。
- 利用外掛程式、病毒程式、本服務之程式漏洞或其他違反遊戲常態設定或公平合理之方式使用本服務者。
- 乙方若因違反停權管理規章之所規定之同一事由達三次以上,且經甲方依乙方所登錄之通訊資料通知乙方改善而乙方未改善者,甲方有權立即終止本契約。
- 除本合約另有規定外,有事實足證乙方於本遊戲服務中違反甲方遊戲相關管理規範時,甲方應於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告,並依乙方登錄之通訊資料通知乙方。乙方第一次違反遊戲相關管理規範時,甲方應通知乙方於一定期間內改善。經甲方通知改善而未改善者,甲方得依會員規範,按其情節輕重限制乙方之遊戲使用權利。如乙方因同一事由再次違反時,甲方得立即依會員規範限制乙方進行遊戲之權利。甲方依會員規範限制消費者進行遊戲之權利,每次不得超過7日。
- 若甲方採取本條之處分措施,係因甲方之事實認定錯誤或無法舉證時,應賠償乙方之損害。
- 契約終止時,企業經營者於扣除必要成本後,應於三 十日內以現金、信用卡、匯票或掛號寄發支票方式退還消費者未使用之付費購買之點數或遊戲費用,或依雙方同意 之方式處理前述點數或費用。
- VNG有權利決定提供本服務的期間,如因本公司停止遊戲服務之營運而中止契約,則應於終止前30日公告於官網首頁,遊戲登入頁面或者購買頁面,如用戶於註冊帳號時已登錄通訊資料,本公司將以已登錄之通訊資料聯繫之。
- 乙方得於購買甲方提供之遊戲套件、產品包或付費下載相關軟體後七日內,向原購買處之業者,請求全額退費,無需說明理由及負擔任何費用。前開情形,乙方得就未使用之付費點數請求退費。原購買處之業者不處理或無法處理者,由甲方依乙方之請求進行退費。
- 進行各遊戲之最低軟硬體需求、遊戲分級標誌及適用年齡層,甲方應明訂於各產品包裝及各遊戲官網。各遊戲維修及開關機時間甲方應於7日前公告於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面。
- 乙方有義務至各遊戲官網確認上揭各該遊戲分級標誌及適用年齡層,是否適用於乙方之個別情況。乙方如為無行為能力人或限制行為能力人時,應由法定代理人代為確認,並連帶負擔由此行為所生之法律責任。
- 乙方不滿意甲方提供之連線品質、遊戲管理、費用計費、其他相關之服務品質,或對甲方依「會員系統服務合約」處分不服時,乙方得於收到通知之翌日起七日內至甲方之客服中心回報系統、電子郵件、書面配合甲方提供之方式提出申訴,甲方應於接獲申訴後之十五日內回覆處理結果。
- 乙方欲向甲方申訴第三人利用外掛程式或以其他不正之方式影響遊戲公平性,依前項方式辦理。
- 甲方之24小時線上回報系統與電子郵件位址或服務專線等相關聯絡資訊,將公告於遊戲網站或遊戲相關管理規範。
- 甲方提供之會員服務或遊戲網站上之所有著作及資料、一切相關周邊產品,其著作權、專利權、商標、營業秘密、其他智慧財產權、所有權或其他權利,均為甲方或其權利人所有,除事先經甲方或其權利人之合法授權外,乙方不得擅自重製、傳輸、改作、編輯或以其他任何形式、基於任何目的加以使用,否則應負擔相關法律責任。
- 甲方所擁有各遊戲代理營運權之特定區域,應分別明訂於各產品包裝及各遊戲官網,乙方應詳加注意相關特定區域限制,並應遵守之。
- 乙方不得採用任何方法對其提供經營(或主機)服務、中間媒介服務,或對其進行攔截、模擬或重定向。這些被禁止的方法包括但不僅限於架設私人伺服器、逆向工程、修改本遊戲,或添加新的組件,或使用某種工具程式來提供遊戲經營(或主機)服務。
- 乙方必須遵守使用本服務的所有相關中華民國法令。若乙方的行為違反本合約或其他法令,乙方同意甲方得以其所登錄之通訊資料通知乙方後,得暫停帳號使用權(不超過7日)。如乙方有本合約第5條第4項各款及第5項所定事由,甲方得立即終止本合約。乙方有違反法律規定之情事,應自負法律責任。除了上述情形,甲方得依其他用戶的投訴、權利人的智慧財產權侵權通知或法院、主管機關的命令刪除或暫停任何違反本合約或其他法令的帳號或內容。
- 乙方承諾遵守中華民國相關法規及一切國際網際網路規定與慣例。若使用甲方台灣地區以外之網站,同意遵守各該網站當地之法令及網路慣例。
- 乙方同意並保證不公布或傳送任何毀謗、不實、威脅、不雅、猥褻、不法、攻擊性、毀謗性或侵害他人智慧財產權的文字,圖片或任何形式的檔案於甲方的相關網站上。
- 乙方同意不會於甲方的相關網站上從事廣告或販賣商品行為。
- 乙方同意避免在公眾討論區討論私人事務,發表文章時,應尊重他人的權益及隱私權及其他合法權益。
- 乙方同意必須充份尊重著作權,禁止發表侵害他人各項智慧財產權之文字、圖片或任何形式的檔案。
- 本會員系統服務所提供之遊戲服務皆為免費制。另遊戲服務內如有提供需乙方額外付費購買之點數、商品或其他服務,甲方將在官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告載明付款方式及商品資訊。
- 相關費用或費率如有調整時,應自調整生效日起按新費率計收,惟乙方以預付儲值使用本遊戲時,其已預付之儲值點數或有效期限不因新費率調整而減少或縮短。
- 會員訂閱:
- 我們可能會在遊戲中提供會員訂閱方案(以下簡稱「訂閱」)。訂閱期間可能為每週、每月或其他於遊戲中公告的經常性週期(以下簡稱「訂閱週期」)。
- 您得依據遊戲中所公布的費用(以下簡稱「訂閱費」)購買訂閱。訂閱應受本合約相關條款約束。
- 每一訂閱週期結束時,您的訂閱將自動依訂閱週期續訂及收取訂閱費,如果您不再續訂,請於訂閱週期屆至前至Google Play或App Store(視個案而定)訂閱設定中取消訂閱。您不會在上述自動續訂前收到額外的提醒通知,建議您應留意您的訂閱狀態。
- 您可以隨時透過Google Play或App Store(視個案而定)取消您的訂閱,取消後,您的訂閱將不再自動續訂,並將於該訂閱週期的最後一日終止。如您依本合約條款之約定提出退費申請,我們保留扣除您取消訂閱前我們在訂閱週期中所發放的任何遊戲幣或道具之權利。
- 我們可能會允許您同時購買一個/一期以上的訂閱。訂閱可能為限量供應,若已被全數訂閱完畢,則可能無法再提供購買。
- 費率調整時,甲方應於調整生效日起三十日前,於甲方官網首頁、遊戲登錄頁面、購買頁面、遊戲進行中或遊戲起始畫面公告,並以電子郵件通知乙方。
- 甲方在各遊戲首頁上有遊戲收費制度的詳細說明,該制度及說明亦為服務合約的一部分。所有的費用是以新台幣為單位,費用採取預付制。乙方同意接受本合約後,即表示授權甲方依照收費制度從乙方的帳號中扣取點數。
- 依「遊戲軟體分級管理辦法」規定標示遊戲分級級別及禁止或適合使用之年齡層。
- 進行本遊戲之最低軟硬體需求。
- 第五條第1、2項及第六條所列之退費權利。
- 有提供安全裝置者,其免費或付費資訊。
- 如有提供付費購買之機會中獎商品或活動,其活動內容、獎項及中獎等資訊應於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面及遊戲套件包裝上載明,並應記載「此為機會中獎商品,消費者購買或參與活動不代表即可獲得特定商品」等提示。
- 當事人一方如發現帳號、密碼被非法使用,或有使用安全遭異常破壞之情形時,應立即通知對方並由甲方進行查證,經甲方確認有前述情事後,得暫停該組帳號或密碼之使用權,更換帳號或密碼予乙方,立即限制第三人就本遊戲服務之使用權利,並將相關處理方式揭載於遊戲相關管理規範。
- 甲方應於暫時限制遊戲使用權利之時起,即刻以官網公告、簡訊、電子郵件、推播或其他雙方約定之方式通知前項第三人提出說明。如該第三人未於接獲通知時起七日內提出說明,甲方應直接回復遭不當移轉之電磁紀錄予乙方,不能回復時可採其他雙方同意之相當補償方式,並於回復後解除對第三人之限制。但甲方有提供免費安全裝置(如防盜卡、電話鎖等)而乙方不使用或有其他可歸責於乙方之事由,甲方不負回復或補償責任。
- 第一項之第三人不同意甲方前項之處理時,乙方得依報案程序,循司法途徑處理。
- 甲方依第一項規定限制乙方或第三人之使用權時,在限制使用期間內,甲方不得向乙方或第三人收取費用。
- 乙方如有申告不實之情形致生甲方或第三人權利受損時,應負一切法律責任。
- 甲乙雙方互負帳號安全義務。甲方應提供乙方各式安全機制,乙方如使用甲方提供之安全機制(如防盜卡、電話鎖)電磁記錄仍遭不當移轉時,經甲方調查屬實,甲方無條件回復為原始狀態。
- 本遊戲服務之所有電磁紀錄(包括但不限於乙方操作遊戲所留存之電磁紀錄)均屬甲方所有,甲方應維持乙方相關電磁紀錄之完整。乙方對於電磁紀錄享有使用支配之權利。但不包括本遊戲服務範圍外之移轉、收益行為。
- 當事人之一方如發現帳號、密碼被非法使用,時,應立即通知甲方查證,經甲方確認有前述情事後,應依前條之方式處理之。
- 甲方應保存乙方之個人遊戲歷程紀錄,且保存期間為三十天,以供乙方查詢。如逾電磁紀錄保存期限三十天者,甲方即無義務受理乙方之查詢申請。
- 乙方得以書面、網路申請調閱乙方之個人遊戲歷程,且須提出與身份証明文件相符之個人資料以供查驗,並使用甲方提供之申請方式方可受理。甲方得依政府相關法律規定酌收查詢服務費用新台幣200元整,並由乙方自行負擔。
- 甲方接獲乙方之查詢申請,應提供本條第1項所列之乙方個人遊戲歷程,並於七日內以光碟或磁片等儲存媒介或以書面、電子郵件方式提供資料。
- 除本合約另有規定外,有事實足證乙方於本遊戲中違反遊戲相關管理規則時,甲方應於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告,甲方應通知乙方於一定期間內改善。經甲方通知改善而未改善者,甲方得依會員規範,按其情節輕重限制乙方之遊戲使用權利。如乙方因同一事由再次違反時,甲方得立即依遊戲相關管理規範限制乙方進行遊戲之權利。
- 甲方依遊戲相關管理規範暫時停止乙方進行遊戲之權利,每次不得超過七日。
- 除構成合約終止事由外,甲方依遊戲管理規則對乙方所為之處置,不得影響乙方依本合約應享之權利。
- 甲方修改本合約與相關規定時,應於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面公告之,並依乙方登錄之通訊資料通知乙方。
- 甲方未依前項進行公告及通知者,其契約之變更無效。
- 乙方於第一項通知到達後十五日內:
- 乙方未為反對之表示者,視為乙方接受甲方合約變更之內容。
- 乙方為反對之表示者,視為乙方對甲方終止本合約之通知。
- 乙方應確保留存於甲方之聯絡地址或電子郵件之正確,若有變更,乙方應立即通知甲方。甲方以乙方留存於甲方之聯絡地址或電子郵件為通知之發出時,即推定已合法送達。
- 因甲方停止本遊戲服務之營運而終止本合約者,甲方應於停止終止前三十日公告於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面並依乙方登錄之通訊資料通知乙方。
- 若甲方未依前項期間公告並通知者,除應退還乙方未使用之付費購買點數或遊戲費用且不得扣除必要成本外,並應提供乙方其他合理之補償。
- 為確保遊戲進行之秩序,甲方得訂立合理公平之遊戲管理規範或遊戲規則,乙方應遵守甲方公告之遊戲管理規範或遊戲規則。
- 遊戲管理規範、公告、服務之廣告或宣傳內容皆視為本合約之一部份,與本合約具有相同效力。
- 遊戲管理規則有下列情形之一者,其規定無效:
- 牴觸本合約之規定。
- 剝奪或限制乙方之合約上權利。但甲方係依第五條第3項、第4項、第5項、第6項規定處理者,不在此限。
- 甲方各項系統設備因預先計畫所需之系統維護停機,應於七日前於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面中公告,且於乙方登入時通知,並於遊戲進行中發佈停機訊息。
- 甲方對於遊戲中斷或無法連線可歸責甲方時,甲方應立即更正或修復。對於乙方於無法使用期間遭扣除遊戲費用或遊戲內商品,甲方應返還遊戲費用或商品,無法返還時則應提供其他合理之補償。
- 甲方各項系統設備因預先計畫所需之系統維護停機,應於七日前於官網首頁、遊戲登入頁面或購買頁面中公告,且於乙方登入時通知,並於遊戲進行中發佈停機訊息。
- 甲方對於遊戲中斷或無法連線可歸責甲方時,甲方應立即更正或修復。對於乙方於無法使用期間遭扣除遊戲費用或遊戲內商品,甲方應返還遊戲費用或商品,無法返還時則應提供其他合理之補償。
- 有關本合約所有事項之通知,乙方同意甲方以乙方登錄之連絡地址或電子郵件地址為送達。
- 前項地址或電子郵件地址變更,乙方應即通知甲方,並同意改依變更後之電子郵件地址為送達。
- 甲方依乙方提供之電子郵件地址為通知發出後,經通常之傳遞期間,即推定為已送達。
- 如乙方怠於連絡地址或電子郵件地址變更或因其他事由致通知無法到達或拒收時,以甲方通知發出時,推定已合法送達。
- 因乙方故意或過失致甲方無法為送達者,甲方對乙方因無法送達所致之損害不負任何賠償責任。
Privacy Policy
- Welcome you to the service(s), product(s) operated by VNG Corporation and its affiliates and related companies (individually and collectively, "VNG", "we", "us" or "our"). VNG takes its responsibilities under applicable privacy laws and regulations ("Privacy Laws") seriously and is committed to respecting the privacy rights and concerns of all users of our games (“Games”) and website (the "Site") (we refer to the Games, Site and the services we provide collectively as the "services"). We recognize the importance of the personal data you have entrusted to us and believe that it is our responsibility to properly manage, protect and process your personal data. This policy (“Privacy Policy”) is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use, disclose and/or process the personal data you have provided to us and/or possess about you, whether now or in the future, as well as to assist you in making an informed decision before providing us with any of your personal data. This Privacy Policy is also designed to assist VNG users who live in the European Union (the “EU”) to understand their applicable data privacy rights that exist under the EU's General Data Protection Regulation when they use the Services.
- “Services” or “Service”: means the Games, and/or Websites, and/or any service, product that VNG offer.
- "Personal Data" or "personal data" means data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from that data, or from that data and other information to which an organization has or is likely to have access. Common examples of personal data could include name, identification number and contact information.
- By using the Services, registering for an account with VNG or visiting our Site, you acknowledge and agree that you accept the practices, requirements, and/or policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, and you hereby consent to us collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing your personal data as described herein.
- IF YOU DO NOT CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA AS DESCRIBED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE VNG SERVICES OR ACCESS VNG GAMES OR SITE. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes or the amended Privacy Policy on the Site. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time without your approval, the fact that you continue to use the service(s) by VNG would be considered as your consent to the amended Privacy Policy.
VNG will/may collect personal data about you:
- when you register and/or use our services, games or sites, or create an account with us.
- when you submit any form, including, but not limited to, application forms or other forms relating to any of our products and services, whether online or by way of a physical form,
- when you enter into any agreement or provide other documentation or information in respect of your interactions with us, or when you use our products and services
- when you interact with us, such as via telephone calls (which may be recorded), letters, fax, face-to-face meetings, social media platforms and emails
- when you use VNG’s electronic services, or interact with us via VNG Games or Site or use VNG Services. This includes, without limitation, through cookies which we may deploy when you interact with our Games or Site
- when you carry out transactions through our Games or Site
- when you provide VNG feedbacks or complaints
- when you register for a contest, for games or game specific events
- during your gameplay; and
- when you submit your personal data to VNG for any reason
The above only sets out some common instances of when personal data about you may be collected, it do not fully demonstrate every circumstance that VNG collect your personal data.
1.The personal data that VNG may collect includes but is not limited to:
- Name
- Email Address
- Date of Birth
- ID’s information
- Residence’s Address
- Billing Address
- Bank account and payment information
- Telephone Number
- Gender
- Your image which was taken by the device
- Information sent by or associated with the device(s) used to access our service(s)
- Any other information about you when signing up to use our Services, and when using the Services, as well as information related to how you use our Services; and
- aggregate data on content the user engages with
2.You agree not to submit any information to us which is inaccurate or misleading, and you agree to inform us of any inaccuracies or changes to such information. VNG reserve the right at our sole discretion to require further documentation to verify the information provided by you.
3.If you use your social media account (Facebook, Google), application account (as Zalo account, Apple account) or your phone number signing up to be a user of VNG services or link your account to Zing ID, you fully understood and agree that VNG may access information about you which you have voluntarily provided to your Social Media Account provider in accordance with such provider's policies, and VNG will manage and use such personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy at all times.
4.If you do not want us to collect the aforementioned information/personal data, you may opt out at any time by notifying VNG’s Data Protection Officer in writing. Further information on opting out can be found in the section below entitled "How can you withdraw consent, remove, request access to or modify information you have provided to us?". Note, however, that opting out or withdrawing your consent for us to collect, use or process your personal data may affect your use of the Services. For example, opting out of the collection of location information will cause its location-based features to be disabled.
As with most websites and mobile applications, your device sends information which may include data about you that gets logged by a web server when you use VNG Services. This typically includes without limitation your device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, computer/mobile device operating system and browser type, type of mobile device, the characteristics of the mobile device, the unique device identifier (UDID) or mobile equipment identifier (MEID) for your mobile device, the address of a referring web site (if any), the pages you visit on VNG website and mobile applications and the times of visit, and sometimes a "cookie" (which can be disabled using your browser preferences) to help the site remember your last visit. If you are logged in, this information is associated with your personal account. The information is also included in anonymous statistics to allow us to understand how visitors use our Games and Site.
Our mobile applications may collect precise information about the location of your mobile device using technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi, etc. VNG collect, use, disclose and/or process this information for one or more purposes including, without limitation, location-based services that you request or to deliver relevant content to you based on your location or to allow you to share your location to other users as part of the services under VNG mobile applications. For most mobile devices, you are able to withdraw your permission for us to acquire this information on your location through your device settings. If you have questions about how to disable your mobile device's location services, please contact your mobile device service provider or the device manufacturer.
VNG's Services may use technologies such as ARKit (Agumented Reality or AR for short), Camera API, TrueDepth API ... or similar technologies provided by VNG's operating system. mobile devices; These technologies are used to record the user's facial expression information and for in-app features. For this information, we do not use it for any purpose other than the features provided in the application; You have the right to refuse camera access for these features at any time (but you should note that, when you stop granting camera access to the app, some of the app's features will not work. movable); and we do not store nor share this information with any third parties.
We may from time to time implement "cookies" or other features to allow us or third parties to collect or share information that will help us improve our Site, Games and the Services we offer, or help us offer new services and features. “Cookies” are identifiers we transfer to your computer or mobile device that allow us to recognize your computer or device and tell us how and when the Services or website are used or visited, by how many people and to track activity within our Site and Games. We may link cookie information to personal data. Cookies also link to information regarding what items you have selected for purchase pages you have viewed, or games you have played. This information is used to keep track of your shopping cart, for example. Cookies are also used to deliver content specific to your interest and to monitor usage of the Services.
You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of our Site, Games or the Services.
We may collect, use, disclose and/or process your personal data for one or more of the following purposes
- to consider and/or process your application/transaction with us or your transactions or communications with third parties via the Services
- to manage, operate, provide and/or administer your use of and/or access to our Services, Site and Games (including, without limitation), your preferences, as well as your relationship and user account with us;
- to respond to, process, deal with or complete a transaction and/or to fulfil your requests for certain products and services and notify you of service issues and unusual account actions;
- to enforce our Terms of Service or any applicable end user license agreements
- to protect personal safety and the rights, property or safety of others;
- for identification and/or verification
- to maintain and administer any software updates and/or other updates and support that may be required from time to time to ensure the smooth running of our services
- to deal with or facilitate customer service, carry out your instructions, deal with or respond to any enquiries given by (or purported to be given by) you or on your behalf
- to contact you or communicate with you via voice call, text message and/or fax message, email and/or postal mail or otherwise for the purposes of administering and/or managing your relationship with us or your use of our Services, such as but not limited to communicating administrative information to you relating to our Services. You acknowledge and agree that such communication by us could be by way of the mailing of correspondence, documents or notices to you, which could involve disclosure of certain personal data about you to bring about delivery of the same as well as on the external cover of envelopes/mail packages;
- to inform you when another user has sent you a private message or posted a comment for you on the Games or Site
- to conduct research, analysis and development activities (including, but not limited to, data analytics, surveys, product and service development and/or profiling), to analyst how you use our Services, to improve our Services or products and/or to enhance your customer experience;
- to allow for advertising and other audits and surveys to, among other things, validate the size and composition of our target audience, and understand their experience with VNG’s Services
- for marketing and, in this regard, to send you by various modes of communication marketing and promotional information and materials relating to products and/or services (including, without limitation, products and/or services of third parties whom VNG may collaborate or tie up with) that VNG (and/or its affiliates or related corporations) may be selling, marketing or promoting, whether such products or services exist now or are created in the future. You can unsubscribe from receiving marketing information at any time by using the unsubscribe function within the electronic marketing material. We may use your contact information to send newsletters from VNG and from VNG related companies
- to respond to legal processes or to comply with or as required by any applicable law, governmental or regulatory requirements of any relevant jurisdiction,
- to produce statistics and research for internal and statutory reporting and/or record-keeping requirements
- to carry out due diligence or other screening activities (including, without limitation, background checks) in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations or our risk management procedures that may be required by law or that may have been put in place by us
- to audit our Services or VNG’s business
- to prevent or investigate any actual or suspected violations of our Terms of Service, fraud, unlawful activity, omission or misconduct, whether relating to your use of our Services or any other matter arising from your relationship with us
- to store, host, back up (whether for disaster recovery or otherwise) of your personal data, whether within or outside of your jurisdiction;
- to deal with and/or facilitate a business asset transaction or a potential business asset transaction, where such transaction involves VNG as a participant or involves only a related corporation or affiliate of VNG as a participant or involves VNG and/or any one or more of VNG’s related corporations or affiliates as participant(s), and there may be other third-party organizations who are participants in such transaction. A “business asset transaction” refers to the purchase, sale, lease, merger, amalgamation or any other acquisition, disposal or financing of an organization or a portion of an organization or of any of the business or assets of an organization; and/or
- any other purposes which we notify you of at the time of obtaining your consent (collectively, the “purposes”)
As the purposes for which we will/may collect, use, disclose or process your personal data depend on the circumstances at hand, such purpose may not appear above. However, we will notify you of such other purpose at the time of obtaining your consent, unless processing of the applicable data without your consent is permitted by the related regulation.
VNG implement a variety of security measures and strive to ensure the security of your personal data on VNG systems. User personal data is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of employees who have special access rights to such systems. However, there can inevitably be no guarantee of absolute security
VNG will retain personal data in accordance with the Privacy Laws and/or other applicable laws. That is, VNG will destroy or anonymize your personal data when we have reasonably determined that (i) the purpose for which that personal data was collected is no longer being served by the retention of such personal data; (ii) retention is no longer necessary for any legal or business purposes; and (iii) no other legitimate interest warrant further retention of such personal data. If you cease using VNG Services, or your permission to use the Site, Games and/or the Services is terminated or withdrawn, VNG may continue storing, using and/or disclosing your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our obligations under the Privacy Laws. Subject to applicable law, we may securely dispose of your personal data without prior notice to you.
In conducting our business, we will/may need to disclose your personal data to our third-party service providers, agents and/or our affiliates or related corporations, and/or other third parties, for one or more of the above-stated Purposes. Such third-party service providers, agents and/or affiliates or related corporations and/or other third parties would be processing your personal data either on VNG behalf or otherwise, for one or more of the above-stated Purposes. Such third parties include, without limitation:
- our subsidiaries, affiliates and related corporations
- contractors, agents, service providers and other third parties we use to support our business. These include but are not limited to those which provide administrative or other services to us such as mailing houses, telecommunication companies, information technology companies and data centers
- a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution or other sale or transfer of some or all of VNG’s assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation or similar proceeding, in which personal data held by VNG about our users is among the assets transferred; or to a counterparty in a business asset transaction that VNG or any of VNG’s affiliates or related corporations is involved in; and
- third parties to whom disclosure by us is for one or more of the Purposes and such third parties would in turn be collecting and processing your personal data for one or more of the Purposes
This may require, among other things, disclosing your gaming history and/or disclosing records showing which games were viewed by which IP addresses. We will also share statistical and demographic information about our users and their use of the Services with suppliers of advertisements and programming.
For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that Privacy Laws or other applicable laws permit an organization such as us to collect, use or disclose your personal data without your consent, such permission granted by the laws shall continue to apply.
Third parties may unlawfully intercept or access personal data transmitted to or contained on the site, technologies may malfunction or not work as anticipated, or someone might access, abuse or misuse information through no fault of ours. We will nevertheless deploy reasonable security arrangements to protect your personal data as required by the Privacy Laws; however, there can inevitably be no guarantee of absolute security such as but not limited to when unauthorized disclosure arises from malicious and sophisticated hacking by malcontents through no fault of ours.
Our Services are diverse and cater to a wide range of age groups. For children under the age of 14, creating an account and using our Services requires the permission and supervision of the child's parent or guardian. Parents or guardians of children under the age of 14 please supervise and ensure that the children under the age of 14 in their custody do not register themselves for an account to use the Services and/or provide personal information to us without the supervision or consent of the child's parent or guardian. In the event that personal information of children under 14 years of age is provided to us by a parent or guardian, or a parent or guardian agrees to provide us with the child's information, the parent/guardian agrees to provide us with the child's information. The parent or guardian hereby consents to the processing and use of the information of children under the age of 14 concerned, and agrees to be governed by this Policy on behalf of the ward. We will lock down any accounts used solely by such children and will remove and/or delete any personal data that We believe has been submitted by any children under 14 the age.
Our Site and Games use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your device, to help the website analyst how users use our Services. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Services or device (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our Services, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and Internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.
Our Website and Games may use AppsFlyer, a marketing application platform provided by AppsFlyer Ltd. (“AppsFlyer”). AppsFlyer uses an SDK (Software Development Kit) placed on Your device to help Us track and optimize the delivery of the Services to You. Information generated by the SDK about your use of Our applications (including Your IP address) will be sent to and stored by AppsFlyer on servers located globally. AppsFlyer will use this information to evaluate your use of Our Services, compile app activity reports for developers, operate apps, and provide other related services. to application performance and Internet usage. AppsFlyer may also send this information to third parties where required by law, or where such third parties process the information on behalf of AppsFlyer. AppsFlyer will not associate Your IP address with any other data that AppsFlyer holds.
Our Services may also use TrueID, a facial recognition application and ID (such as identity card, citizen ID, passport) provided by VNG Software Development Ltd.– a member company of VNG (“TrueID”) to enhance identification to secure your account. TrueID will use the camera on Your device to record and capture your face and ID, using algorithms and AI (artificial intelligence) to process to detect anomalies (such as fraud, face and photo on ID are incorrect…). TrueID will assist us in detecting anomalies, giving recommendations and suggestions to authenticate your account. TrueID may send this information to a third party for storage and processing where such is required by law or where such third-party processes information on TrueID's behalf. TrueID also has the obligation to keep your information confidential, which TrueID stores and treats, similar to VNG's confidentiality obligations.
We, and third parties, may from time to time make software applications downloads available for your use on or through the Services. These applications may separately access, and allow a third party to view, your identifiable information, such as your name, your User ID, your device’s IP Address or other information such as what game you are playing during any given session, and any cookies that you may previously have installed or that were installed for you by a third-party software application or website. Additionally, these applications may ask you to provide additional information directly to third parties. Third party products or services provided through these applications are not owned or controlled by VNG. You are encouraged to read the terms and other policies published by such third parties on their websites or otherwise.
VNG DO NOT GUARANTEE THE SECURITY OF PERSONAL DATA AND/OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT YOU PROVIDE ON THIRD PARTY SITES. We do implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal data that is in our possession or under our control. Your personal data is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the personal data confidential. When you place orders or access your personal data, we offer the use of a secure server. All personal data or sensitive information you supply is encrypted into our databases to be only accessed as stated above.
In an attempt to provide you with add-on value, we may choose various third-party websites to link to, and frame within, the Site or Games. We may also participate in co-branding and other relationships to offer e- commerce and other services and features to our visitors. These linked sites have separate and independent privacy policies as well as security arrangements. Even if the third party is affiliated with us, we have no control over these linked sites, each of which has separate privacy and data collection practices independent of us. Data collected by our co-brand partners or third-party web sites (even if offered on or through our Site or Games) may not be received by us.
We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content, security arrangements (or lack thereof) and activities of these linked sites. These linked sites are only for your convenience and you therefore access them at your own risk. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our Site and Games and the links placed upon each of them and therefore welcome any feedback about these linked sites (including, without limitation, if a specific link does not work).
Withdrawing consent
- You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data in our possession or under our control by sending an email to our Personal Data Protection Officer at, and we will process such requests in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our obligations under the Privacy Laws and other applicable law.
- However, your withdrawal of consent may mean that we will not be able to continue providing the Services to you, and we may need to terminate your existing relationship and/or the contract you have with us.
Requesting access to, or correction of personal data
- If you have an account with us, you may personally access and/or correct your personal data currently in our possession or control through the Account Settings page or tab on the Site or Games. If you do not have an account with us, you may request to access and/or correct your personal data currently in our possession or control by submitting a written request to us. We will need enough information from you in order to ascertain your identity as well as the nature of your request so as to be able to deal with your request. Hence, please submit your written request by sending an email to our Personal Data Protection Officer at
- We may charge you a reasonable fee for the handling and processing of your requests to access your personal data. If we so choose to charge, we will provide you with a written estimate of the fee we will be charging. Please note that we are not required to respond to or deal with your access request unless you have agreed to pay the fee
- We reserve the right to refuse to correct your personal data in accordance with the provisions as set out in Privacy Laws, where they require and/or entitle an organization to refuse to correct personal data in stated circumstances.
The provisions in this Section only apply if you are a user who is located in the European Union (“EU”). These provisions take precedence over any inconsistent provisions in the remainder of this Privacy Policy.
- You have the right to obtain from us the Personal Data that you have previously provided to us, and which we process on the basis of your consent in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and a right to request that we transfer such Personal Data to another party.
- If you wish for us to transfer the Personal Data to another party, please ensure you detail that party and note that we can only do so where it is technically feasible. We are not responsible for the security of the Personal Data or its processing once received by the third party. We also may not provide you with certain Personal Data if providing it would interfere with another’s rights (e.g. where providing the Personal Data we hold about you would reveal information about another person).
- You may request that we erase the Personal Data we hold about you in the following circumstances: - You believe that it is no longer necessary for us to hold the Personal Data we hold about you. - We are processing the Personal Data we hold about you on the basis of your consent, and you wish to withdraw your consent and there is no other ground under which we can process the Personal Data; - We are processing the Personal Data we hold about you on the basis of our legitimate interest and you object to such processing. Please provide us with detail as to your reasoning so that we can assess whether there is an overriding interest for us to process and retain such Personal Data. - You no longer wish us to use the Personal Data we hold about you in order to send you promotions, special offers, marketing and lucky draws; or - You believe the Personal Data we hold about you is being unlawfully processed by us.
- Please provide as much detail as possible on your reasons for the request to assist us in determining whether you have a valid basis for erasure. However, we may retain the Personal Data if there are valid grounds under law for us to do so (e.g., for the defense of legal claims or freedom of expression) but we will let you know if that is the case. Please note that after deleting the Personal Data, we may not be able to provide the same level of servicing to you as we will not be aware of your preferences.
- You should note that, regulations in some countries and territories (such as Vietnam) require that Service Providers such as VNG are required to keep information, Personal Data of the user. used for a certain period (maybe up to two (2) years) (“Storage Term”) from the last time the user uses the service; You agree that, in this case, the provisions of the above countries and territories shall prevail; therefore, a request to delete Your Personal Data will only be possible after the end of the aforementioned Retention Term.
3.Retention of Personal Data
We retain your Personal Data as long as needed to provide services or products to you, or as required or permitted by applicable laws, such as tax and accounting laws. If you make a request for erasure of your Personal Data 3 and we determine that there is a valid basis for your request, we will endeavor to erase the Personal Data within 30 days of your request, or inform you if it will take longer.
4.Objection against Profiling and Targeted Marketing
At any time, you have the right to object to our processing of Personal Data about you in order to send you promotions, special offers and marketing messages, including where we build profiles for such purposes and we will stop processing the Personal Data for that purpose. Please provide as much detail as possible on your reasons for the request to assist us in determining whether you have a valid basis for objection. However, we may retain the Personal Data if there are valid grounds under law for us to do so.
5.Restriction of Processing to Storage Only
You have a right to request that we restrict the processing of the Personal Data we hold about you to storage purposes only, where:
- You believe the Personal Data is not accurate, for the period it takes for us to verify whether the Personal Data is accurate
- We wish to erase the Personal Data but you want us to just store it instead.
- We wish to erase the Personal Data as it is no longer necessary for our purposes but you require it to be stored for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or
- You have objected to us processing Personal Data we hold about you on the basis of our legitimate interest and you wish us to stop processing the Personal Data whilst we determine whether there is an overriding interest in us processing and retaining such Personal Data.
6.Transfer of Personal Data outside the EU
Your Personal Data may be transferred outside of the EU. We take appropriate steps to ensure that recipients of your Personal Data are bound to duties of confidentiality and we implement measures such as appropriate contractual clauses to ensure that the recipients of such transfer protect and treat your Personal Data in accordance with all applicable personal data protection laws.
7.Information on Children
The services are not intended for children under the age of 16 who are located in the EU. We do not knowingly collect or maintain any personal data or non-personally-identifiable information from anyone under the age of 16 who is located in the EU, nor is any part of our Site, Games or other Services directed to children under the age of 16 who are located in the EU. We will close any accounts used exclusively by such children and will remove and/or delete any personal data we believe was submitted by any child under the age of 16 who is located in the EU.
VNG stores Your Personal Data globally and shares it with companies in VNG Group to carry out the activities specified in this Policy. VNG may enter into a secondary contract to process, or share, your personal data with third parties located in countries outside of your country. As a result, Your Personal Data, may be subject to privacy laws that differ from those in Your country.
For services that provided to the Vietnamese market, by VNG and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, member companies with headquarters located in Vietnam, Your Personal Data shall be stored in Vietnam in accordance with the provisions of Vietnamese law.
For EU users' Personal Data, it will be stored and transferred in accordance with Article 13 of this Policy.
If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our privacy practices, please contact us at